Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What About Us Working Moms?

Swim lessons, Baby Yoga, Yoga with Babies, Music Together, Babylattes...why should SAHMs have all the bonding fun? I'm kicking off a list of things I know of that happen on weekends.

Please add things you know of in the comments and I'll compile a list of resources. Hope to see you and your kids on the weekends!

Things to Do:
Outside The Box - http://www.otbee.com/

Music Together -
http://www.musictogether.com - 3 Saturday classes at Dragonfly Dolou, 3 Saturday classes at Play on 3rd near La Brea
YMCA Swim Lessons
- to find your local Y - http://www.ymca.net/maps/?address=90016&latlng=(34.0255188%2C+-118.3520389)#
Gymboree - http://www.gymboreeclasses.com

(Limited) weekend parent/infant classes:

Places to Go:

Noah's Ark at Skirball Center
Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific
Barnes & Nobel at the Westside Pavilion - have a storytime

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Welcome To Your Blog - Let Us Introduce You

Please send me links to your personal websites, favorite web resources, links to activities that your kids enjoy or that other moms might be interested in. I'm even happy to post a link to your personal blog if you'd like.

If there is anything you want to see here that you aren't - let us know that too.

My e-mail is lionlit@aol.com or you can post a comment below.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Hello everyone

I've received about 12 inquiries about the meeting... Looks like the 16th will work for the majority of us as the 23rd is the holiday weekend and many are traveling.  Sorry if you're one of those women who said the 23rd was best.  We'll miss you!

So, how about 3pm-5pm at my house, Sunday 16th... I live in Glassel Park.  I'll email everyone who reached out individually now... and if you can make it I'll then send you my home address.


Monday, November 3, 2008

INDUSTRY MAMAS meeting suggestion

FOr those of us interested in getting this INDUSTRY MAMAS group really going... how about we meet at my house Sun Nov 16th or 23rd?  I live in Glassel Park - which is between Eagle Rock and Mt. Washington - just east of Silverlake, north of downtown, before South Pasadena...

It's going to take a meeting of the minds to transform this into something amazing... Shante said I was spearheading, but I can't do this alone.  SOOOO Glad you guys started this blog site - a GREAT beginning!  I just know this can blossom into an amazing resource where we offer support for one another both as mothers and fellow industry women.  The sky is the limit as to what this can become over time...!  Woo hoo!!

Lisa Cole

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Life in Pajamas - by Anna Cranage Conathan (tv & film writer)

Who wears pajamas all day?

Infants. People in prison. The infirm. The insane. Writers. Mothers. You can call ‘em yoga pants, girlfriend, but you know you slept in ‘em.

Life in pajamas, while appealing in concept, can be quite dangerous. To your health. To your appearance. To your standard of what makes an attractive outfit. You know this because you have spent so much time in your pajamas that you have lost the ability to select suitable attire for visits to The Outside. Juicy sweatpants and a fleece without baby boot or peanut butter on it, is not an appropriate outfit for touring the Senate Daycare Facility.

When you first make a slovenly commitment to your bedclothes, it seems funny. Amusing. On the phone you brag to your friend, “It’s four o’clock and I’m still in my pajamas,” and the friend laughs and says something cute like, “must be nice.”

After a while it occurs to you that if you’re still in your pajamas there’s no point in putting on deodorant. You are, after all, in your pajamas. Who cares? The UPS guy? Because you have a rabid watchdog, the UPS guy never even rings the bell anymore. He leaves your deliveries between the bushes and the trash can.

And with pit stench no longer driving you to the powder room it is all too easy to forget about brushing your hair. Or teeth.

Yes, teeth. Nasty.

When you drink as much coffee as a writer and mother does, there is never an ideal time to brush your pearly whites. Which are now kind of khaki. Coffee and toothpaste are two great tastes that do NOT taste great together. So, you put off the tooth brushing.

Around six o’clock, you notice your teeth have knitted themselves little cozies of filth. But it’s six o’clock. Cocktail hour. And the only thing worse than toothpaste with coffee is toothpaste with gin. But, you discover, if you gargle gin and tonic, the tiny scrubbing bubbles of the tonic and the citrus snap of the lime leave your mouth feeling as fresh as a sit-down with the dental hygienist.

So, there you are. Stinky. Sweaty. Reeking of coffee and gin. It’s eight o’clock now. Hungry? Hells, yeah. But going out at this point would take so much effort. So you order in.

Does the delivery dude from Capitol Hill Tandoori care what you look, smell, or taste like? If, he does look a tad concerned when he arrives, you just move fast and tip well and he has almost no time in which to judge you.

That you can see.

What he does in the privacy of his Tercel is his business.

After you watch a bad movie – you were too tired to bother looking for a good one – you shove the remains of your take-out into the fridge and grab a paper towel. (If you’re feeling motivated, you moisten it.) You wipe your mouth and hands.

You are clean and ready for bed.

Scuffing your way to the boudoir you consider changing into pajamas. But then remember you are already in them. Feeling very satisfied with your ability to plan ahead, you fall into bed and await the magic of morning.